
Social Responsibility


TCC acts ethically and responsibly to ensure the quality and safety of processes, including environmental and social criteria, as well as products and services. That is why we also manage Social Responsibility programs and actions


Chronic malnutrition in children can lead to anemia, causing a reduction in the flow of oxygen to the organs due to a lack of iron. Without the respective control of this disease in the first years of life, it can lead to brain damage that generates serious consequences such as learning problems, being overweight, obesity, diabetes in adulthood, and difficulties in entering the labor market.

Since 2017 we have worked to achieve the goal of preventing chronic child malnutrition in the population of Tababela, which is the TCC’s area of influence. We are making a long-term approach so that they are active children and grow up healthy and ensure a good future from the efficiency in their studies.

Our Social Responsibility action is carried out in the Víctor Emilio Estrada Mixed Public School, located in the Andean moor, in the Commune of El Carmen, Checa.

It fills us with satisfaction to provide daily breakfast for children, contributing to the nutrition of the children in the area, which has allowed us to have 75% of students increase mainly their motivation for the continuity in their studies


TCC’s main activity is import and export cargo logistics; more than 500 people, including employees and visitors, are involved in this process. As a result of this activity, waste and residues of various types are generated daily and must be managed technically.

TCC complies with the Organic Environmental Code Regulations with an ENVIRONMENTAL REGISTRY duly legalized and updated on May 20, 2022.

For this reason, at TCC we manage an Environmental Management Plan, which is the program detailing the way and means of how we manage the environmental impacts generated by our activity.

Waste and residues generated at TCC are classified as follows:

  • Hazardous waste
  • Special waste
  • Bio-hazardous waste
  • Organic waste
  • Recyclable waste
  • Debris
  • Common waste

The recyclable waste produced in our facilities is delivered to authorized managers by the Metropolitan District of Quito.

  • Approximately every month we deliver:
  • Plastic 3-4 tons
  • Cardboard 1-2 tons
  • Scrap metal 12 kilos
  • Firewood (pallet waste) 1 ton.

It is important to note that the funds from this recycling process go to our Social Responsibility projects.


Since July 2022, we have established a program for the reuse and control of wooden skids, which are used to handle imported cargo and are delivered to temporary warehouses. With the commitment of our stakeholders:
FRIOEXPORT, EMSA, COIMPEXA in this project, we now have special follow-up so that the skids are delivered, rectified, and reused until their useful life is over.

During the year 2022 with the implementation of this program, we have stopped consuming 20,661 skids, which means that the environmental impact is 2,066 trees stopped being cut down and 1,052 tons of CO2 stopped being emitted.

And we will continue to move forward, reducing our carbon footprint every day

Redes Sociales


Santa Rosa Tababela, S/N, Yaruquí